Supersonic Praise with Kiki

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Monday 2:00 am trending_flat 5:00 am
Tuesday 2:00 am trending_flat 5:00 am
Wednesday 2:00 am trending_flat 5:00 am
Thursday 2:00 am trending_flat 5:00 am
Friday 2:00 am trending_flat 5:00 am
Saturday 2:00 am trending_flat 6:00 am
Sunday 2:00 am trending_flat 12:00 pm

Join Kiki for some inspiring music that sets your day on a very good start along with motivational quotes on positive thinking, encouragement and so much more. These bursts of encouragement  comes through every 15 minutes and 45 minutes past the hour. Soul Food already promises a great day right from the beginning. So don’t miss it for the world.

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